
This is not the way

"Dad this is not the way " she repeated frustrated as she took her seat in front of him.

"You have no idea what you're doing Mia or what the way is " he replied.

"You agreed to Liam's biddings once , that's all it takes " he replied.

" Once an associate always an associate" he replied and her face knotted in a frown.

" You have no choice Mia , the moment you agreed with Liam to have Hilton killed to implicate Xavier , you became a part of us and you're no different from us " he said.

"I'm nothing like you and brother !" She replied.

" You can say that as often as you like but as far as you keep indulging us my dear you're exactly like us ! " He replied

" I just wanted to let you know , my next plan majorly involves you "

"And that's just the straw we need to break the camel's back " he added.

" I won't do it " she replied.

" You don't have a choice my dear " he said to her

" And don't think of doing anything funny , I know you always try to prove you're smart " he said.

" So are you
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