


"You know I'm surprised that Amber got married this early honestly, he use to act like the type to never want to fall in love and then focus on work, I'm just glad he found someone like you", Aunt Lucy said.

I smiled,"Thank you".

"He use to say his first and last love will always be his mother, now he's In love with you", she said.

in love?, that's a very strong word to use.

"I just hope you love him too and not just for the money", she added.

"Oh certainly not, I do honestly, I really do", it's a surprise that it didn't sound like a lie.

Am I really in love with Amber?

Of course not, I like him..I do care about him.

But I'm not in love with him.

"I wish his mother was alive to see what he ended up becoming, I'm so proud of him", she said.

"Indeed", I said smiling.

Then my phone buzzed, it was a text from Amber.

"Open your room window".

What? why?

"Uhm, I think I'll go to bed, you enjoy yourself and the movie you're watching, I'll see you in the morning ma'am", I said and gave
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