

I felt someone drawing tiny circles on my back, I rolled a little and then my face landed on something hard.

I opened my eyes and then realized it was a shirtless body.

I looked up and my eyes caught a pair of sky blue eyes.


I sat up and realized I wasn't wearing clothes, just thinking huge duvet covering me.

"What the -?"

"Shh relax, I just took them off nothing more", he said as if reading my mind.


"Uhm, you refused to wake up last night when we got back and I couldn't let you sleep in that tight dress".

I peered at him, he smiled.

"It's sexy tho, waking up to see you naked on my bed, I wish we could do that everyday", he whispered the last part.

I rolled my eyes and wrapped the duvet around me properly and tried to get out of bed.

I wish that too tho.

"When are we going back to Italy?", I asked.

"Soon as I'm done dealing with Conrad then yes we can go", I froze just about to get up.

I turned to him, that was when everything that happened last night began to play in m
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