

Princess Emilia's heart almost escaped her chest as it thumped heavily on it when she sighted one of AJ's men coming towards her.

'Did he found out already?' She wondered in her mind.

She heaved out a sigh of relief as the guards walked pass her, not after greeting her tho. She smiled at them and just waved.

She was so scared to even talk as she continued walking and then she heard someone called her from behind.

"My Princess." She heard and turned slowly with a heavy heart to whoever might be calling.

Who again, huh?!

They are not going to give me an attack, right?

"Yeah?" She turned swiftly looking at the man standing in a front with a straight expressionless face.

"Master is calling for you NOW." The guard delivered, looking at the princess squarely in the face.

"Yes? Pardon?!!" Princess Emilia exclaimed with a widened eyes.

"Why? Why would? Why would he call on me now?" She asked, trying not to stutter with her eyes dilating around in fear
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