
Chapter 26

WE BOTH can feel my wetness. O baka sinasadya ng galaw niya iyon pero hindi ko na alam. I was too busy with my own pleasure. I tried to remove his arm on mine but my half-hearted attempts are failing.

Our doors were closed but the windows were still half opened. I heard him closing his side of the window. Inabot niya rin ang side ko at sinarado niya. Kasabay ng ginagawa, his finger is teasing me. Not dipping enough to reach my core, just enough to give me so much pleasure.

I half-heartedly tried to push his hand away but it only worsened. My moves made it more pleasurable. Hindi ko napigilan ang pag daing. He leaned closer to me, slightly putting his lips on my ear. I was posigtive he's going to judge me but he didn't. Nakatanggap lang ng marahang halik.

Because of that, and his finger on my entrance, slightly teasing me, I let out a long moan.

"Shh..." he whispered and slowly put his other hand on my lips.

It was just on time. I convulsed right away, feeling the building up heat slow
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sira ulo kapa ehhh lalaki yan ehhh
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