
54. Rena

Violet POV

My nails grow into sharp claws I've never had before. It just grew out of my fingernail as if it had been hiding under the skin of my fingers neatly. I watched in terror as my hands became hairy, I screamed loudly but what came out was what is this? A roar? Howl?

Tiffany looked at me with terror that broke my heart "You?! You became a wolf!" she shouted and stood up for a moment

I tilted my head. I'm standing on the ground on all fours now so surely what she said is the truth.

I know sooner or later I will definitely change! But why in front of my human sister?

What if she doesn't want to see me again from now on?!

"Violet" Tiffany approached.

She's not that much taller than me which means my wolf form is at least tall, or big. Or both.

I saw the thick white fur that covered my paws and scratched the ground. Repeating it when comfort comes, hey my legs look cute.

Tiffany saw me and laughed "Violet you're so cute"

Then a sound from the bushes made us both turn. We looked a
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