
chapter eleven



I was scanning through the files in my study while Derek was standing behind me. This was about Heather as I knew something was wrong,

“You’ll take care of her right?” I recalled Heather's words to me yesterday and I heaved deeply. She had been acting like she was leaving for somewhere far away without Aurora's knowledge or maybe something else was wrong.

“Her parents abandoned her when she was just a baby?”

“Yes, alpha. It seems Heather never went to college after she struggled through high school with Aurora. They have been together for years after Aurora lost her parents and was taken to an orphanage.”

I heaved deeply and then went over to the next papers,

“Is this her medical report?”

Derek nodded his head when I asked, and as I scanned through it, I wrecked my fingers into my head, “Shit! How long has it been? Does Aurora know?” I questioned, raising my head to stare at Derek so I could get a response,

“About a year or two now. I don’t think Aurora knows
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