


I step out of my room, a sly smile tugging at the corners of my mouth as I recall the look on Amelia's face moments ago. The way her eyes widened in surprise, the flush of disappointment that stained her cheeks when she realized I wasn't going to let her was everything. Fuck! That woman will be the death of me, I think ruefully, shaking my head as I make my way toward the stairs.

As I descend down to my office, my thoughts drift back to our earlier conversation, to the way Amelia had reacted when I'd finally given voice to what happened to me. I still can't quite believe how well she took the news, how she didn't recoil in disgust like I'd always feared.

I know she only let the subject drop because she could sense how difficult it was for me to speak of, and for that, I'm more grateful than I can put into words. As much as I want to be open with her, to lay myself bare in every sense...revisiting that time in my life

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