
In Dolly's Room

“Who wants to see me? Olive?” he asked, his eyes still red.

“Yes, Olive. She's in Dolly's room,” Jake answered. Wayne exhaled and ran his fingers through his hair again.

“She... She hates me, ” he muttered and began to walk in circles, with his fists balled tight.

“No, she doesn't. You're her f\*cking mate, Wayne! She's attracted to you so just return that attraction. What's stopping you?”

“I don't know, Jake! It's just hard.”

Jake sighed and telepathically informed Dolly that he was bringing Wayne to see Olive. Dolly approved.

“Come on, let's go see your mate,” Jake said and began to walk away with Crusoe.

“Wait, I'll go alone,” Wayne objected and walked into the elevator alone. It closed and few minutes later, he walked into the hallway which contained his sisters' rooms. He knocked lightly on Dolly's.

“Come in,” Dolly's voice answ

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