
Chapter Sixty-Seven: Back to secrets

Chapter Sixty-Seven

Laila Pov

The first thing i feel is the cold air brushing against my feet and then the air around me suddenly turns hot and moist, then my throat begins to clog up and then my mind which was at peace is suddenly interrupted with turbulent waves pushing me around into the abyss, i watched myself fall into the darkness and a sharp scream escaped from my lips bringing me back to the present where i pushed out of the bed breathing really heavily.

“Hey- hey-” Warm arms wrapped themselves around me and i didn’t need to see through my tears to know who it was. Atlas.

“I’m here. Everything’s going to be fine, everything’s going to be fine. No one’s going to hurt you.” He whispered in my ears as my head nestled in his chest, his hands stroked my back and the other rubs my hair which were slightly damp.

“What happened? I heard screaming-” Another voice interrupted us as they stepped inside the room. It was Ares.

“She just had a nightmare.” Atlas said softly to his brother,
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