
Fifty Five

Atlas's eyeballs almost popped out of their sockets. Vanusa broke the kiss and smiled intoxicatingly.

"P... princess..."

Venusa hummed and collapsed in his arms. Atlas stared down at the weird woman he was holding.

"What just happened?" Atlas wondered, unable to believe what Venusa just did. He adjusted and carried her in bridal style.

"You're one hell of a princess, Venusa."

Venusa murmured something and snuggled against his chest. Atlas held her tighter and proceeded to take her to her house. She met the Chief and Great mother pacing impatiently. Atlas guessed they are waiting for their daughter.

"Venusa!" Great mother yelled as soon as she saw Atlas approach with her daughter.

"This girl!" Umbria scolded as she took Venusa from Atlas.

Venusa gasped and hugged her mother. "it's my mama!" She slurred.

"Venusa, are you drunk?" Her father questioned angrily.

"Hey, father." She spread her arms open and pouted. "Come on, father, hug me."

"Umbria, get hold of that girl." Hank,
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