
He's mine

Janice walked into the dungeon. Her nose wrinkled and she glanced around. No one was watching and she doubted anyone could see her.

She had used a cloaking spell.

Her grandmother's cloaking spell to be precise. What she didn't disclose to anyone when she arrived at the De Luca Villa was that she was from a long bloodline of witches.

Her mother was a witch but Janice hadn't inherited the powers. However, she could make portions.

She was lucky being from witches had come in handy else she'd have had her heart ripped out by the Deltas she was now glaring at.

She rounded the corner mumbling 'dulce somnii'(Sweet dreams). She had read it from the old spell book She brought along with her while on the run and she tossed some Matricaria chamomilla she ground into powder in the air. She watched as each Delta fell to the floor one after the other.

"Not even the strongest of you can fight it." She murmured.

She could have been affected as well but she had used an immune spell beforehand.

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