
The crime, she committed.

Racheal’s Pov:

I groaned when I opened my eyes. I felt a little drowsy, probably due to the drugs that was used on me.

I stared at my surroundings, and I couldn’t identify a thing.

Where is this place? And where am I?

More importantly, have I been abducted?

"You are awake, I was just about to come wake you up myself.” Blackwood said, emerging into the room.

Of course, it’s him.

Who else would want to abduct me, if not him?

I exhaled, “Is this a new style of tormenting me?” I asked, sitting up on the bed I was laid on, “Why am I here?”

“I was going to do this later on in the future, but apparently... I had to bring it to number one task on my schedule, because a certain someone was turning my family against me.”

“Turning?” I scoffed, “you mean them realizing who they are, and refusing to be your puppet any longer?”

“Yes. That exactly.” He nodded, shamelessly. What sort of man is this?

“Wow.” I scoffed, in unbelief. “You do know, that if I go missing they won’t rest.”

“Why don’t you
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