
#Chapter 38 The Mating Bond


In the early hours of the morning, I finally drifted into a pleasurably exhausted sleep. I dreamed of our wolves, mine, Nicholas’, Brian’s, and Cheney’s, all running through the woods. We howled, played, tumbled, and ran wildly through the dark trees. 

Within the dream we were so mentally connected that we didn’t have to talk, we communicated with looks and touch. As wolves, our fur mingled until we looked like one beast running and howling. 

I awoke slowly, feeling their limbs tangled with mine beneath the sheets. Their hot breath was soft on my skin. At first, I soaked in the feeling, and then a sense of clarity washed over me, and I was confused about how we had gotten here. 

Flashes of the night before began to piece themselves together in my mind, and my heart raced from stress instead of desire. As my pulse quickened, I felt the triplets stir around me. 

A low groan rumbled next to me, and I turned my head to watch Brian come fully awa
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