
Chapter 29.


Today's first period wasn't all so bad, except for the fact that Aria and Freya kept giving me dirty looks in class. Not that it bothered me anyway. Elias is seemingly M.I.A and when I called this morning he said he had to help his cousin get treats for her dog.

I don't know how long I'll have to wait for him to get to school. I check my phone to see if he's texted but my phone is drier than ever.

I haven't felt this lonely in a long time and it stings. Badly. It's currently half past twelve and he still hasn't texted.

I furrow my brows worriedly as I tap my fingers on the desk as I wait in the barely empty fall for our next class. Caden is supposed to lecture us and something about that information makes me anxious. I can't face him alone. I need Elias by my side.

Soon enough other students start trouping in and I scan the crowd for Elias and my heart sinks with every second each time I can't find him amongst the batch of crowds.

Caden walks in and my heart beat starts to race he
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