
Chapter 8.


I sit on the rear end of my car stretching my arms upwards while taking in the musky breeze from the trees that surrounds me.

I inhale slowly, letting the familiar scent fill my nostrils while I listen to every chirp and every branch rustling against each other.

I exhale slowly, putting down my hands while I open my eyes.

Today is a work free day for me.

That means no students, and no irritational humans, just me by myself. And what better way to spend your time alone than in the woods?

I stumbled upon this place a few years ago and ever since then I couldn't stop coming here.

I've always felt a powerful pull here like something is waiting for me.

I also come here to be alone and think, it's my own haven away from the background noise that comes along with being domesticated or as my father would say ‘a sophisticated breed'.

I take off my shoes so I can feel nature more deeply. This is the fastest way for me to connect.

As soon as my feet hit the ground my heart skips a beat and a flash of an image appears in my mind.

Someone's running.

I hold my chest and breathe slowly trying to control my racing heart.

I'm probably imagining things, no one's here.

I shake that off and take another step and I feel a surge pass through me and my chest tightens even further.

Something's wrong.

“Yes Caden, something's definitely wrong” my wolf, Von , says.

I turn on my wolf senses allowing Von to take charge.

He places my hand on the bare soil and we both take the vibration from the earth.

The image flashes through my mind again but more vividly this time.

Someone is indeed running from someone or something.

It's a female. We can feel her fear, and her breathing.

Suddenly I pick up her scent.

It's Ivy.

“Your mate's in trouble Caden, you better act fast now” Von growls.

I hop into my car and fast off towards the direction of her scent.

I suddenly hear her whimpering in fear as an image of her on the ground flashes across my mind and my blood begins to boil.

Who dares to touch her?!

Von accelerates our speed and the engine roars.

I smirk once I spot those bastards.

I let go of the steering wheel and allow the one trying to touch her get hit.

I watch him fly to the other end of the woods with satisfaction once my car comes in contact with him.

His cry of pain is utterly satisfying and his friends waste no time in leaving him behind.

Von slowly rolls back in and I take full control of the steering wheel again.

I drive slowly towards Ivy's shaking body.

I can feel her fear more intensely now. It scares me seeing her like this.

“Please don't hurt me!” I hear her little voice scream

“Those bastards really got her shaken up” growls Von

“Yeah” I reply, looking ahead at the idiot who's rolling on the ground.

I examine him briefly. He won't die, probably suffer from a concussion and a few broken bones.

I get out of the car and carry her shaking body.

I ask her if she's okay but all she does is stare at me, I can tell that she's holding back tears.

My heart hurts from the sight of her like this.

I assure her that she'll be okay but I doubt that that's going to do much for her.

I drive her off to her house with her giving me directions with her shaking fingers.

I look at her from time to time wondering how the hell she’s supposed to be my mate.

“She's so small and defenseless, how will she ever protect herself?” Von asks

Honestly I don't know why the moon goddess chose her.

I've known this information for over a year already but I still can't believe how this can be.

She's nothing like me, she's not even a wolf.

I exhale, shaking my head a little.

It's already weird enough that she had to conveniently be one of my students.

I had already told the moon goddess along with my father that I can't be with anyone right now, no matter what, especially since I'm trying to rebuild my pack.

I can't let anyone get in the way of my mission, especially if the person is a defenseless human that I probably won't be able to protect.

There's been enough blood shed and I can't have her be a part of the death row because of me.

I hate to say it but I can't leave her alone either. My pull towards her has been stronger since the past few months and I won't lie, it scares me more everyday.

She can't even protect herself, she keeps getting beat up by that tiny human.

We reach her house and I feel more at ease knowing that she's away from danger.

Her entire body is still shaking and I help her out of the car and place her in front of her front porch.

I scan through her features hoping she won't collapse at any given time.

“Can you make it inside?” I ask, trying to read her features again but she only nods in response.

“Thank you” her small voice reaches my ears.

Something about it seems different, almost angelic even.

“You don't have to thank me for doing my job”

My phone rings out and I reach for it from inside my jeans.

I excuse myself and swipe up, not bothering to check the caller ID.

Only one person would have the guts to call me when I'm out on my meditation.

“Hello father”

“Son, I need you here at once” his voice echoes from the other end

I try to fish out any emotions I can pick out from his voice but he is a master of concealing his thoughts and emotions even without sounding like a robot. He always had more control than me over his emotions. Something I failed to learn.

I'm not going to lie, it irks me everytime he does this.

Now I have to ask.

“Why, is anything the matter?”

“No, but your presence is greatly needed” he says and then he ends the call.

I find her still watching me from her door.

“I have to go,” I tell her “Be safe”

She nods in response and I suppress the urge to pat her head.

I give her a curt nod and get into my car and I'm about to drive off when a red mercedes parks near the house.

It's her mother.

Irritation instantly fills my system.

“Ugh her again”

She gets out of her car and looks at me with a small smirk on her face.

“Hey there” she waves

“Good day Mrs Carter” I respond curtly.

Her body language tells me something is up but I'm not sure I'd like to stick around to find out what it is.

“I'll be seeing you around soon” she coos, making my skin crawl.

Why on earth do you have to be my mate's mother?

I start the engine and drive off as fast as I can away from her.

I really don't need her trying to do anything out of place again like the way she usually does.

Traumatizing memories of her awkwardly skimpy clothes resurface in my head and I shudder.

“What do you think he wants to see us for?” Von asks, distracting me from the horror i just fell into.

“I have no idea”

It doesn't take long before I reach the mansion.

The gates open for me as soon as I get close enough and close behind me.

“This better be good” I mutter as I step into the house

I find dad talking to someone about something and they're both laughing.

I catch a familiar scent and I stop on my tracks momentarily.

My dad spots me and gestures to me to come closer.

“Ah son you're finally here”

I walk into the living room and see Ivy sitting on the far corner looking at her feet awkwardly.

What is she doing here?

“Ah Caden you finally made it” says Mrs Carter giggling with a glass of wine in her hand.

My skin crawls.

My eyes dart from Mrs Carter who's being held by the waist by my father then to Ivy who's now looking at me with intense shock on her face then back to Mrs Carter.

“Father, what the hell are they doing here?”

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