


I’d observed the mutual respect that seemed to have developed between Zacharias and Asher during the short period of their acquaintance earlier this afternoon, but I noticed it again tonight as they each sat opposite the chair Mari had recently vacated.

The she-wolves were clearing the dishes from the table while I filled the males in on everything that had been occurring here in the wolves’ provinces, including the serum Scarlett and Zoey had taken earlier today.

I took a minute to mind link with Oliver, who was presently fighting Asher for the last slice of chocolate cake, letting him know that we would be in charge of taking care of the dishes tonight.

He grumbled, especially after he lost his bid for the dessert, but I knew he’d be there right alongside me after we finished this conversation.

The dragon shifter remained quiet for the most part, listening as the other alpha clarified any needed points, but he sat up s

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