
Meeting Damian

Chapter Fifty-three

Leila's POV

I turned around and I got face to face with my ex, Damian! And my heart skipped a beat.

What the fuck was he doing here?

I took in a sharp breath as I breathed in his appearance.

He looked better than the last time I saw him. He was more mature. His face is a perfect blend of rugged masculinity and soft refinement. Strong, chiseled jawline was made prominent by a neatly trimmed beard. His piercing, expressive eyes are a deep shade of Blue. Standing at an impressive height, he possesses a tall, well-proportioned physique that exudes an air of strength and confidence. He opts for a classic suit that accentuates his broad shoulders.

'He is of no match to Xavier.' My subconscious whispered to me and I could feel my cheeks turning to a deeper shade of pink. I cleared my throat and folded my arms across my chest, his eyes following my movements lingering too much on my chest causing me to roll my eyes at him.

"Are you back?" He asked when he was done checking
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