
4. Blame your fate

In the big office.

The door opened, and a tall guy with blue eyes and brown hair walked in. Nicely carved brows, strong jaw. He was as handsome as Aiden, even in his white shirt tucked in black pants.

"Is something wrong? I left home as soon as you called me." The guy named Liam said before noticing his pale face. "You didn't get any sleep again?" He asked, but Aiden just sighed.

Aiden had already dropped the file he was going through. He walked towards the mini-palor in the middle of the office and took a seat on the couch, before Liam also sat opposite him. "That was why I said there was a problem. I met this girl... She's a new maid in the house or so, and..." He couldn't even complete his words. He ran his fingers into his hair in frustration and sighed.

Liam was the only one he was really close with and could confide in. He shares everything going on in his life with him, maybe because he's a doctor. But he still talks with him more than he does with his other brother, Jason.

"And what?" Liam asked, wondering why he was acting that way. "She's my mate." He heard Aiden say, which also shocked him.

"Mate? What are you talking about?" He asked before Aiden also explained everything. How the girl sneaked into his house to the point where she's still locked up in a room.

"Wait. If I get you right, an omega of the pack is your mate, and she's locked up in your house right now." Liam asked to be sure his ears were working well, but Aiden did not say anything; he just sighed, making Liam sure he heard him right. "But I thought you had..." He couldn't continue his words because he didn't want to reopen healing wounds, but Aiden just smiled, looking at him. "I had a mate, right? I also wondered what was going on."

Liam also sighed and kept quiet for some time before saying, "I think this is an opportunity, Aiden. The moon goddess must have given you another mate since you already rejected the first one." But the guy wasn't ready to accept his views.

Aiden looked at him before scoffing. "Opportunity? This is not an opportunity. It's just the moon goddess trying to mess with me. And I'll show her she's making a mistake."

"Calm down, Aiden. There must have been a reason why," Liam said, but was shut off by Aiden. "Don't give me that, Liam."

"OK fine." He raised his two hands up, surrendering from arguing with him, but he still couldn't help but say, "Just release her. You can't lock her up because of something like that."

Seeing that he wasn't saying anything, Liam added. "Should I go home with you tonight?"

Aiden, who had been quiet, was quickly rejected. "No. I'll solve it myself." He said before standing up to go back to his work, but he alone knew what he would do.

Liam also stood up, but not before saying, "Mother is expecting you for this coming anniversary for the pack." But not hearing him say anything or look at him, he just sighed. "OK. I'll call you then." He knew he wasn't going to attend. The party was for the pack to get together once in a while and celebrate the day he became Alpha, but he, as the Alpha, had always refused to attend. And no one seems to force him to come. Liam left the room.


He got home late as usual, but this time around, he wasn't drunk. It felt like he was holding back from going home, but when he finally mustered up his courage, he went home. He was hoping Liam would administer more doses of sleeping pills, but the man was just saying things that he wasn't interested in.

And neither was he planning to do what he said. As soon as he walked into the house, he turned to his assistant, who was also behind him. "Bring the girl here now." He said this to him before walking up the stairs to go to his room. And after some time, he came back to the living room.


She knelt on the floor in the living room. She looked so pale with no tears on her face, but still, she was so scared. Not quite long ago, she saw a figure walking down the stairs, and her heart started beating faster.

"Please forgive me. I promise I won't make such a mistake again. Just let me go." She begged. Her head touched the floor as she knelt down, but when she heard him scoff, she raised her head slowly to him.

"Forgive and let you go. What do you even think you're here for? You think it's because you broke the rules for entering the house?" He asked, but Amelia could not say a word. "If he's not punishing me for entering, then why is he doing this?" She thought, but was quickly pushed out of her thoughts.

"You're happy, ain't you?" He asked again. His face was so serious that Amelia did not know whether to cry. "A wolfless omega mated to an alpha. That must be fiction in your own world. Am I right?" He scoffed.

Amelia had been quiet ever since he started talking. She didn't even understand what she did so wrong, and hearing him talk since made her feel that he would eventually forgive her and let her go, but hearing his last words about mating an alpha, she knew she was done for. All her suspicions and what she heard. They were all true. Cleaning the new tears that were already running down her cheeks, she whispered. "That's not possible." But it didn't go unheard from the Alpha.

Suddenly, he stood up and turned to his assistant, who had also been standing behind a corner. "Make her my special maid and let her live here in the main building."

Turning back to Amelia, who was already sobbing loudly, "I'll make your life so difficult that the moon goddess will blame herself for giving you such a cruel fate." He said before turning around to leave, but Amelia quickly ran up to him and held one of his legs. "No. I need to go home. I can't stay here. Please." She begged, but Aiden quickly pulled his legs away from her.

He turned to her. "Blame your fate. If you ever try this again, I'll make you rot in a dungeon." He threatened, looking at her with disdain before leaving the room.

Amelia cried for a long time, rolling on the ground like she wanted to end her life herself, but at one point she was pulled up by Eric and taken to her new room.

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