

She was running. Even if her heels were broken, her head was bleeding and her tears were blinding her, she was still running like mad. Even if her lips were parched, her throat dry and her feet aching, she was still running. She could not stop.

Except she did not know her destination. She only knew that her instincts were screaming at her to run as fast as she could. It was as if her life was in danger. Like someone was after her. So she ran till she felt her legs could no longer carry her and she finally fell to the ground on her knees gasping desperately for oxygen.

What the hell was happening? She was still in a state of shock and she felt even more horrified as she looked down at herself and saw that she was wearing a white dress which had been torn and was pretty much in shreds. As she looked more closely, she suddenly guessed that it was a bridal attire. It was her wedding day? Who was she running from then? The groom?

But wait a minute. Who was the groom? Or more important;
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