
Chapter 19: JacknJill

We stride off the bar and head to the restaurant at Holland fourth boulevard in JacknJill.

We're still in this district ten, I passed plenty of garbage on each pavement, dead vines dangle on the lampposts from side to side, and neon signs and billboards nevertheless shine.

I can smell the steam of street foods in the near alleyways - it surely makes me hungry.

Marina and I only walk to the restaurant to discuss the data that Roland transferred earlier.

    Marina passed the entrance of the restaurant before me. The interior of the restaurant was similar to the old diners back then.

She sat down near the exit which is on the left side. The tables were not created of metal but of tough timber as well as the seats.

    "My ears are open, speak," She said after flattening the crumples of her blazer.

    "The van is gloomy and it was not the same as the other modern vehicles, the plate is ACA 2965, it was a bit blurry and I'm sure that's the plate" I explained after seconds that I take some air.

She set her chin on her hand that is encircled by another hand on the table - she wanted to hear more.

    "I didn't tell you to stop, If you wanted to keep the information and that's on you," She said before she called the waitress.

    "The 12th Boulevard of Laravel street on the left they took a shortcut to West Nevada and then they proceed to run their wheels out of the hyacinth barricade after passing several districts to move at Twilight City so they hide their ass there but Roland did not give me more footages on their way to the other side," I said.

She listened to my information based on what I have observed from the data before she spoke to the waitress to order.

    "We'll have the bestselling dishes as well as the drinks, make sure that they don't make it salty and too pale," She said and then the waitress moved her muscle to scribble down.

    "Can I ask what will be your dessert and side?" She glimpses at me and gazes back at Marina.

    "We don't want a dessert and the side will be a salad and you?" Marina asked.

    "Chips will be fine or Fries instead" I nodded with a smile. 

    The waitress left.

    "Anything else?" Marina raised a question as she place her fingers between her underarms.

    "They were alone or they didn't bring any guards on their side, they did not halt their horses but they kept their engine on and they have access to enter someplace to take a shortcut to the barricade but the problem is they kept switching roads" I illustrated.

    "They're playing games with us which means they're trying to cover their tracks but not the surveillance footage," She said.

    "The other cameras didn't catch the van when they took a shortcut - they must have cut it down or maybe they brought a pirate along" I brush my chin.

    "I'll talk to Roland if he got any notion to catch this mouse"

    "My ass will come and we need a verification or maybe disguise to enter the other city because they're strict as a cathedral" I leaned forward and then relaxed my muscles to engage more information. 

    "Fake documents will use it against me if I ever use it as a mask or I will contact the TPD if they have seen a van running around their street" She confesses while her stomach screams for cravings.

    "That'll help than risking"

    "I recalled that they're slow when it comes to offering assistance that's why I only solve the enigmas alone but yet I always succeed eventually" she took a deep breath before she tells about herself.

    "If they don't like helping so we'll help ourselves alone" my nose commences to sniff the floor where the mouth-watering haze comes from.

I'm hungry - I should've eaten breakfast.

    "There are these past cases that I didn't solve that is why sometimes I faked it to close the investigation and I cared not to do that again so I will risk my blood to prevail over another one"

    "You have me, we can solve this one within a week if possible" I calmly said while she was gazing her eyes at the window - the cityscape was mesmerizing so I gape at it as well.

    "If these bastards kept switching paths and migrating for another base, everything will be f*cked up"

    "Yes, but in the meantime, we can catch up" I whispered more in a breathy tone and I let my voice involved to the breeze.

     The waitress arrived with a plate she carries along with a smile she exhibit.

We ordered the bestselling dishes and it exactly looks like it will place on a bestselling dish from its ititsppetizer and scent.

Mine have fries as a side dish, rabbit porridge on the other side, and a chicken with mashed potatoes and gravy on top as a main dish. Marina already paid the bill but its cash.

    "I don't want a see a lady paying bills when going to restaurants and next time I'll pay when we go somewhere," I said.

    "How gentlemen of you, you can pay my rent and bills instead" She chortles in the end.

    She's cute when she curls her blossomed lips or shows what her real voice is. 

    "Oh I will my lady," I said before I take a bite from the main dish.

     "Tomorrow night I'm not available to talk but I'll help before tonight" I added after I swallowed what I consumed.

    "You can as long as you will not say a word to the officer or I'll slit your skin to put your guts out slowly," She said as her brows frowned. I bobbed.

    "Tomorrow I'll call support from my friend from Twilight, he's good at conveying and gathering solutions" I declared.

    "What will he do to help us?" She asked after seconds running to take a bite of her salad.

    "Trading illegally but he's good from not getting snagged by officers"

    "The other cases I decipher were easy as a feather and some took me ages and this case might part of it whenever the suspect joins the other ghouls from the other side"

    "He can slither away and the only thing we need to aim is where they hide to murder James's children and other victims that are attached to their knife's verge".

She understands my language which is a good thing to happen because if we measured loads of misunderstandings - it is a hundred percent our case will never succeed.

    "Alright, I'm almost done and we have to create a thread where they passed by and I'll talk to the warden from the hyacinth barricade if they permit some random van to enter their city," she said.

    Oh, they can do that so everything will become manageable.

If we keep asking - we can crack the investigation. Marina and I try to finish our order before going back to WPD.

    "Why this metropolis was cut in half?" I was so curious about it so I asked even though she was occupied eating her salad.

    "I have no idea but back then, it wasn't like this before and the only reason I know was the twins were madly hate one another so the moment they inherit their parent's seat they decided to cut the home in half,"

    "Whom twins we are talking about?" 

    "The first was Roselee she enjoys staying in the night time that's why she named the city Twilight and the second was Rosalean, she adores seeing snow that's why she name this Winter city"

    Wow, it does gives significance but I wanted to learn more about the virus that made people sick but not just that though.

Marina wiped her lips with a tissue beside the flower vase with wither rose inside. 

    "Can you tell me more about the virus?" I asked once more and she seems pretty annoyed that I kept blabbering like a toddler.

    "That's the question that I cannot answer and I told you before to keep your mouth zipped until I say so to open it!" She yelled at the end and then departed to take herself inside her vehicle.

    With every breath, she take the more the pace sped up.

A thump formed a thunderstorm beneath the concrete pavements and the zephyr seems modest than before.

The sky barely pull the stars above as the sun haul down slowly but the moment I inspected my watch - it was around four thirty in the afternoon.

    She reverses the vehicle after buckling. Rosie Bar still gives a euphoria aura with its lights outside as well as the inside. We left to head to WPD.

She sprints the wheel and lets my body push me against the seat from the acceleration.

That bar should not exist but there's nothing I can do to stop it from existing.

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