
Chapter 30: Raindrops of Remorse

"We commandeering more than business which can sum up the territory, taverns, companies, and life from power and prosperity," I said. We extend our chat in front of the gate yet still inside the vehicle. 

    "You manipulate the system as well?"

    "No we don't control but as a supporter"

    "As well as the higher ranks, they tolerate themselves to live as your partners?" She huffs her haze from the cigarette. That's why I opened the car window earlier before we left Twilight Hub.

    "Yes, we are the only ones they trusted not the others"

    "Those corrupt bastards only wanted more power than wasting power for their kin and citizens" She smoke once more.

    "That's what our life is entitled to, you heading home or do you want me to go in to locate where you sleep?" 

    "I prefer the second option, lead the path, Sir Wilson"

    I push my vehicle beyond the gates that opened automatically.

The district was replenished with tons of buildings that no houses truthfully prevails to notice.

There are fifteen blocks ahead of the street crowned Sweden Road.

I notice a map beside the gate, greater than the roof of a villa house and it indicates the streets of the districts so it can guide you from getting lost in a labyrinth.

    The first to third which are Switzerland, England, and Poland streets contain six footing buildings with empty blossoms but trees lined up the pavements.

They're made of hard stones but some are elegantly built with colored glasses and they retain their stains to allure the visitors.

As I move to the other streets I only followed Julie's words are the fourth to seventh streets. The four streets we passed are entitled Finland, Netherlands, Spain, and Austria on the street signs but she said she lives on Germany Street.

This street has either seven or eleven footings in the flawless and terrific tall buildings with trees that lined up as well.

    At last, we docked at Germany Street on the left to right. Germany Streets holds a ton of tall apartments taller than Greenflinch.

At the back of the district hedges or beyond the other streets we haven't stopped in yet are the tall ones like an edifice. Like I'm in the other city.

    "Lana Wither's apartment, the grey one beside the HenLing flat" She pointed out. I halted the vehicle at the side of the pavement that maintains the tree with tiny blooms.

    "Good night" I wave goodbye but she rides on my lap once again - clasping her hum before she unfurls the door.

    "What's my name again Sir Wilson?" She inclines her lips and my nostrils can haul an aura moving toward her that lures me slightly. I lean back away from her chin.

    "Julie Brooke, meet me at the Rosie Bar after I succeed your master's request, we good?" I rumored and her breath slammed against my whisper.

    "Make your hands cleans after your slaughtering Sir Wilson" She purposely grazed underneath where she rested - I flushed.

    "What are you up to Julie?" I asked as she can glimpse me reddening from what she stood grazing softly than a rough scuff.

    "I hope you please us after your assignment, good night Jonathan Wilson" She clasps my area gently after whispering in my ear - sparking my lips to unclose my moan through the silent breeze pouring in from the opening.

She left me with a wink and a nibble of her rosy lips.

I gaze at her red open-shoulder cocktail dress with a black thigh stocking beneath as she entered the apartment yet still have a blush on my cheeks.

Am I in love?

    I drove back to Greenflich to retrieve Deliana's key to her car before snoozing. The time is already morning past twelve half an hour.

I continually still have the sentiment about Julie like a stalker craving to come upon her again.

The second footing is lit up on the fourth window which represents Deliana is still up after my arrival. The entrance is unlocked so I break in to visit her room so I can pass her key back.

I knock on the door thrice as my stroll encounters her home.

    The door opened. "Come in please" She spoke in a delicate tone.

I nod my chin once and set my pace past the doorframe as well as her embrace mat.

    "Seat on a sofa, I'll give you some coffee and tales"    

    "I'm only here to pass the key back to you and I need rest Ma'am, I have work" I caressed my forehead as I rest my stone on the sofa.

She empties her palm so I toss the key eventually.

    "I almost got cuffed with your doings" She sat beside me - moves closer.

    "Just tell them that the detective is busy during the day and night" I whispered through my slow panting.

    "Copy that, anything you want me to cool your headache down?" She lays her hand above my lap of mine.

    "Sleep" I replied with my eyes closed. I did not glance at what she was doing - all I glimpse is emptiness and weariness.

Through the blurred image, I can notice she began stripping her clothes away and flinging off the boards. As I lose my sight to gaze at her in the end.

She was seating above my lap as Julie committed earlier. 

    "What the f*ck Deli?" I whimpered as she brush her warmth upon me - I resist not shoving her. I don't desire to behave with no respect.

The clash of lust and fascination blasted within the touch of her brim against my neck. 

    "Is this what you called trade Deli?" I tolerate Deliana unhooking the belt as long as she wants.

My ruddiness indicates that I'm honestly arousing and drowsy opposing over beneath the rhythm.

Her dedication binds around my body and I do frankly grope the fervor as my palm meets her smooth complexion.

It was my first time stroking someone except for a deceased body or barely demise individual. Our guest twirls after we latch our lips for a brief moment.

    "Yes, this is how you say thank you Sir Wilson" She clutches off the other fabrics that shroud her bosom and above my lap.

Her blooming scent coerced me to gasp it in like cocaine on the table.

The voice beyond her tongue shrieked with gloaming desires as my lips voyage down beneath her chin and breast slowly.

I scorn and fancy her at the same time so badly. 


      My mind was behind the blue, swinging with enthusiasm and wrongs beneath the depth of the gloom.

Suddenly, I was into her wickedness that I carried her weight like a feather between my fingertips into her mattress.

Yet still bussing her lust. Her giggles tangle through my ears and her mild innocent moans glue onto my mentality.

What is wrong with me?

We are now deprived of our skin excluding our cravings to push our blazes against one another is nevertheless bound to our grazes and gaze. I scraped below her as I couldn't take it anymore. 

    Our kisses were feeble from the onset but in the end, they became a torment.

She plops her tears as I thrust and I jab another then she began to seam her lips from allowing her bluster to travel through the walls. She scuff her fingers behind my muscle as my motion went quicker like she marks her talons upon mine.

I smooched her clavicle, chest, between her thighs, and other aspects of where I can staple.

She unfastens her stitches as I clasp her cravings from the moment I rolled rapidly - we both let our whispers and screams of amusement out of the air till we fumble drowsiness.

    I woke up as I feel the morning on my face that cascaded in from the open window.

The sheets of goat's milk blanketed my chest and the underpart of my abdomen. A crumple of cloths below the bottom side rail strew.

Dazed from what prevails last night was not considered to come about like I was inhaled some sort of drug.

    "Good morning Hotshot" Deliana set her shoulder while gripping the mug loaded with morning coffee with hazes of warmth.

    "What time is it?" I groaned as I get up yet nude. 

    "Past eight and half of nine" She answered back before she sips. I swore beneath my groan as I pull my clothes up. 

    "Next time if I ever got cuffed and the blame is on you" She whispered after she positioned her mug on the table with a polka dots puny pot holder.

Then she crossed her arms.

    "She'll be f*cking mad at me" I buttoned up my shirt and latch up the belt of my pants. 

    "Good luck with that" She strolled to hug me.

I shove her body away from mine gently before fleeing away with a ton of kisses upon my essence.

"Bullsh*t day isn't it?" I asked myself.

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