
Chapter 65: Mrs. Montreal


The food was terrific.

Or maybe it was good because Damon was feeding me.

I couldn’t quite imagine how his big, tough hands were so gentle around me when it was the very same pair that killed many people.

The thought should be revolting as it is, but to my surprise, it no longer bothers me.

Now my morals were in a wreck as well the more time I spent with him.

What would mom think of me?

Oh gosh…

I need to get out of here and do something that would get this hot monster of a man out of my mind.

Shoving the last piece of pancake into my mouth, Damon took the freshly squeezed orange juice off the tray and made me drink the whole glass.

I complained about the juice and demanded more coffee, but he only chided me about ingesting too much caffeine and how unhealthy it would be.

This is purely unbelievable.

Like, drinking coffee is one of my morning rituals, and it helps me get through the day. Now, he’s taking it all away from me like what he did to everything else in my life.

No way
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