
Tale 91: Heart Twilight

As if hearing the wishes in their hearts, Rai and Shane saw the door of the apartment unit slowly open before them, revealing a girl with long, black hair up to the waist and her skin is so fair. Her lips are red, and her eyes are round and bright. Her nose is also tall. The four of them were stunned when they saw her, because she is so good-looking that she can be an actress or a model.

Rai and Shane suddenly have a thought… instead of Shane, the girl before them should have been the one who acted as Snow White in their stage play during their acquaintance party. But, a thought is just a thought. They naturally can’t voice it out loud since it would be rude to the girl, albeit they are currently girls.

“Heart… Twilight?” Rai called as he looked at the girl who could be Heart Twilight – as well as a guy in a girl’s body which he and Shane suspected. His voice is filled with uncertainty as he stared at the girl before them and noticed the resemblance to the female student who acted as
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