
Chapter Forty Seven

< Nina’s POV >

I’m surprised that everything goes more smoothly than I anticipated. Clarence has been too focused on making Dante's Inferno-inspired diorama without a lot of unnecessary chitchats. He’s also good at assigning me tasks that I can do efficiently.

You can say, Clarence has what it takes to be a great leader.

And just like that, after four or five hours without any break, I see our diorama come to life. We got the four circles which should look like a caste system, the spiral staircase using white clay with some glitters to reach each level and each floor represents the Untouchable’s success.

I gotta hand it to Clarence, he really did make it more believable. He even painted the figurines and dressed them up to match their level.

“You have a knack in art,” I comment, my eyes continue to fixate on the strokes of the brush he uses.

“And you know how to compliment, why, thank you, Nina,” he says while giving a dramatic light bow before continuing.

I laugh and find his gesture
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