
MIS Part 22-1

Mistress – A Tainted Identity Part 22-1

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Author’s POV

The journey from the hospital to the mansion was peacefully silent, neither of them shared a single word but she peeked at him every now and then but as he looked at her, she turned her gaze outside the window, pretending that as if she was not even looking at him making him smile with amusement at her silly antics but he didn’t utter a word to her because he knew where it will go if he opened his mouth, so he was happy just by taking few glance at her.

As soon as the car stopped in the driveway of the mansion, she immediately jumped out and ran towards the door but she stopped in the midway turning around and shouted "Don't try to dominate me again, otherwise your chances of becoming a father will be slim to none."

She gave him a glare before sprinting inside making him chuckle at her warning.

Who said he wants to be a father if she is not the moth
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