

The morning ray shining in from the window woke Izabelle from her sleep. She closed her eyes slightly before proceeding to use her hands to block the light peeking in from the window. She yawned silently and stared at the bedside clock. Oh no! It's time to go jogging already. Damn!

Feeling the pressure on her waist as she tried to sit up on the bed, she turned to her side only to see a beautiful sight.

She was surely going to get diabetic this morning from the amount of sweetness she felt in her tummy at the sight. Marcel lay on the other side of the bed with little Rosie in their middle. She was clinging to her father with her whole body wrapped around him as if she feared that he was going to leave at night when she was asleep. Her legs were thrown around his thigh and her head was on his bare arms. When did he pull his shirt?

His arm wrapped around her waist cuddling the both of them at the sight of that left a sweet taste in her mouth. How was she going to stop her damn heart fr
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