

Ivy walked from the bedroom to the kitchen. She wore her blonde hair in a high ponytail, a soft pink fuzzy sweater with dark grey jeans. Heath thought she looked dressed for class, not the zoo. Seeing her like this brought back some sweet memories. “Good morning, everyone. Waffles? I didn’t realize we still had some.”

“I found them in the freezer. It was easy to pop them into the toaster.” Heath said. He silently questioned his actions. Was something wrong?

Ivy shrugged. “Well, they aren’t old. I made them last weekend. It feels longer. They’re better than store-bought waffles and they freeze well enough. Geoff eats so many, I make large batches, then freeze them. That way I’m not making them daily.” Ivy looked to Geoff for confirmation. “Are they okay?” Heath handed her, her coffee.

“Great as always.” Geoff busied himself smearing more jam over his second helping.

“I didn’t see any syrup. Before I could ask, he took jam from the frid
Klaira Blains

[NOTE: The Maple Syrup Mafia is real. It’s a Canadian tongue-in-cheek description of the “Federation of Quebec Maple Syrup Growers.” They run three-quarters of all maple syrup production in the world. They set prices and hide large-scale maple syrup thefts. These are the people who push for quality control on bootleg maple syrup. (table syrup (corn syrup or liquid sugar) flavoured to taste like maple syrup) Some less reputable companies sell this claiming it’s maple syrup at maple syrup prices. (False advertising.) Yes, dear reader. Italians have olive oil scandals. Canadians have maple syrup scandals. Only in Canada, can 50,000 litres of maple syrup disappear. BTW they never found it. Really! Google it!]

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