


We ended up at my house still horny for some sex and I set her on my bed where I fingered her again. Her clothes came off first though, and I got to see the voluptuous figure I had imagined the first time I saw her. Her breasts were full and plump, and I wrapped my lips around them, sucking them gently and then aggressively.

This solicited moans from her and I slipped my finger into her once again. She switched out positions once we were done getting on top of me, and she took off my shirt and then my sports bra, which I found more comfortable than a normal bra.

She wrapped her lips around mine too, teasing me slowly as I had done her before, and I hissed when she bit gently on my nipples, "you're good at this."

"I never said I was straight either."

I moaned as she slipped her hands into my pants, and she flicked her finger against my clit down there making me wet almost immediately, not that I wasn't already dripping before.

She took off my trousers, and we were both naked soon w
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