
Chapter 38: Dalliances

Moving past a window in the Night Gate, Chiri paused. Looking at herself in its reflection, she turned her head from side to side, sizing up the cut on her face. Wiping at the dried blood smudged across her cheek, Chiri accepted the minor injury was placed too conspicuously to escape Cazer’s attention. Releasing an exasperated moan at the prospect of having to explain herself to him again, she was grateful that at least it was small enough to not violate the terms of their previous agreement.

The sparring session confirming Chiri’s prior conjectures about Allen’s nature. She was bothered by the question of whom he might choose to partner with in future. Even the prospect of being the root cause of another Pierce man's demise, weighed too heavily on her conscience for Chiri not to be perturbed by the outcome of Allen's selection.

Acknowledging that a good partner would make the difference between life and death for Allen Pierce, Chiri had not been able to resist inter


Sigh, love is hard when you're broken. As an aside, a little character factoid is that Chiri and Cazer both share winter birthdays and have an age gap of two years.

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