
Chapter 0004

Ella’s POV

“Spill the beans. Is Chance your mate?” Samantha asked before I could take one step in the direction to our lockers.

I almost choked on the air I was breathing into my lungs at Samantha’s question and began to cough. Did Samantha sense something between Chance and I too? The whole “I’ll be seeing you” and the look he gave me as he turned to get one last glance at me before he disappeared was making me have butterflies in my stomach. Not to mention the tingling sensations when he touched me and the getting lost when I looked into his eyes wasn’t enough. After I finally stopped coughing, I replied, “I could only wish.” Because the truth is I desperately did want a mate and Chance would be a perfect mate for me, but I don’t think he is my mate. It was only a partial connection. It was lacking something, but I couldn’t figure out what.

Samantha frowned, “That’s too bad. I could have sworn I saw sparks between the two of you. Plus, he’s easy on the eyes.”

“Yeah, there are definitely some sparks but I don’t think it was enough to be considered my mate.” I said as I continued to walk with my head down. I would never be that lucky to be mated to a future Alpha, especially one as hot as Chance. Samantha was right he was easy on the eyes. He was well over six foot tall and had the body of a Greek God. I could tell he had abs that went on forever under the tight black shirt he wore, and those biceps that I got to feel firsthand when he pulled me to safety were large and defined. But most of all I loved his messy dark brown hair with those magical emerald-green eyes. I could get lost in those eyes for days. I looked down at my watch and said, “We better get moving.” We were going to be late for class, and I couldn’t get after school detention today.

The first couple of periods went by quickly today unlike yesterday. Was it because I felt myself lost in thought of Chance today? By third period I found myself now daydreaming about him. I could feel his arms wrapped back around me but this time I nuzzled into his chest and took in his intoxicating scent of pine and sage. His hand now reached for my chin and tilted my head up to look at him. Our eyes met and once again I felt myself getting lost in his emerald-green eyes. He leaned down towards me and I knew he was going to kiss me. He’s lips now only a centimeter away from mine when boom the back of my chair was kicked almost from underneath me.

“Do you mind? I’m trying to concentrate here.” Jeremy said from the seat behind me.

I was about to mouth back off to him until realization hit me what he was meaning. My face went flushed and I got up and raced out of the classroom. I ran to the nearest bathroom and locked myself into a stall. “No. No. No.” I said to myself. I couldn’t believe that I just got aroused during class. Thankfully the male that noticed was mated. It could have been way worse if it was an unmated male that was sitting near me. I had to stop thinking about Chance. I had to cool my body temperature down quickly before all the unmated males get a hint of my scent I was putting off. I started to take slow deep breaths trying to calm myself from not only the arousal but also the anxiety attack I was about to have.

The last time this had happened with a she wolf, she started an all-out war among the unmated males. It took every teacher and staff member to break it up. The poor girl was cornered for hours. I couldn’t let that happen. Why did this have to happen today of all days. I hope no one else noticed, especially Chance. That would be the ultimate embarrassment if he found out. Would he know it was him that drove me to this?

I finally felt my body temperature start to drop and I could tell that the arousal had passed. I flushed the toilet and unlocked the stall door. Thankfully class hadn’t ended yet, so the bathroom was still empty. I washed my hands and splashed cold water onto my face as I looked into the mirror. “Get a grip on yourself Ella.” I said to myself as I starred at my refection looking back at me.

The bell rang and jumped startled as I was having a stare off with myself in the mirror trying to collect myself. I was thankful that lunch was next period. I stopped by my last class to retrieve my stuff since I rushed out in a hurry. Thankfully the classroom was empty, and I was able to avoid seeing anyone that may have noticed. I felt embarrassed and hoped that the male kept it to himself and that he was the only one that noticed it. I threw my stuff into my locker and headed to the cafeteria.

The cafeteria was crazy since it took me longer to get there. Normally I’m one of the first to arrive but today I was running late due to my mishap. I grabbed a slice of pizza, a salad, and a bottle of water and headed to go outside to the courtyard. I kept my head down trying to avoid seeing anyone from my last class. After making it outside where less people were I put my head up and stopped dead in my tracks. Chance was sitting at our table with Samantha and Seth. Shit, could this day get any worse? There was a group of girls standing around Chance and they were giggling over him. I started to feel a little jealous at the site of the girls trying to get with him. This wasn’t good for me to be thinking that way because he isn’t even my mate.

I made up my mind that I was going to go back inside to eat and make up an excuse to tell Samantha later why I didn’t make it to lunch. I turned around and took two steps back towards the cafeteria doors when I heard Samantha’s voice calling my name. Dang you Samantha, I thought to myself. I turned around and smiled and started walking back towards our table. Note to self, write traitor on her forehead with a sharpie at the next sleepover.

Chance looked up and smiled at me and patted the seat next to him. The blonde girl started talking to Chance again and Chance turned back to them while I sat down. I overheard Chance say, “Sorry ladies but I’m taken.” The girls gave him a pouty face as he then turned to look at me. I looked up at the three girls and they huffed at me and walked away.

Great, I said to myself. He has a mate and here I was daydreaming and fantasizing about him. Why Moon Goddess do you do this to me? Could something just go in my favor?

“I told you I’d be seeing you soon.” Chance said with a big grin on his face.

I laughed nervously and said, “Yes, you sure did.” Why was he torturing me if he had a mate?

I took a bite of my salad as Samantha started to talk. “Hey, how did things go last night? I forgot to ask you this morning with you almost getting hit by a car and all.”

“Last night?” I said more like a question then and answer. Then I realized what she was asking. Leave it to Samantha to bring this up. “Oh yeah, it went good.” Once again, I lied about what happened last night.

“So what color is your wolf?” she asked.

Why of all the questions in the world would she ask me this question? I put my fork down as I chewed my salad buying me time to think of what to say. “My wolf’s color. I don’t know. Maybe a silverish color.” I lied once again but silver was the closest color to white.

“Wow Silver. I bet she is so pretty with your ice blue eyes.” Samantha said as I prayed that her questions would stop.

I saw Chance out of the corner of my eye look at me. “Was it your birthday yesterday?”

“Umm, yeah it was.” I answered him as I took a drink of my water.

Chance gave me a big smile. “Well happy belated birthday Ella.”

“Thank you.” I replied as I cursed the Moon Goddess for dangling this perfect Alpha to be in front of me. How much more could I take?

Seth finally chimed into the conversation. “So Chance, who are you taking to the Alpha ball? I heard you tell the ladies you were taken.”

Chance laughed and turned back to me. “I was hoping to take Ella as my date. What do you say Ella? Will you be my date to the Alpha Ball?”

I sat there in shock. Did Chance just ask me to the Alpha Ball? And did I hear that right that when he told the girls he was taken that he meant he was taken for the ball? So many thoughts went running through my head. I would love to go to the ball with him, but I also was thinking it was a horrible idea. Maybe I could make up an excuse and not go at all. With my track record the last two days I was thinking it would be best if I just stayed home.

“Yes! Ella would love to go with you to the Alpha Ball.” I heard Samantha say as I looked over at her and gave her a glare. Did my best friend just agree for me to go to the Ball with Chance? Samantha gave me a devilish grin. She will pay for this, I thought to myself. She better sleep with one eye open at our next sleepover.

Chance cleared his throat and I looked over at him. “Sure, that would be great.” I told him as a big grin formed on his face. Goddess does he have the most amazing smile.

I started to eat the rest of my lunch in silence as Chance and Seth started talking about making plans to go hunting on Sunday. I couldn’t believe that I agreed to go to the ball with Chance. There I was this morning thinking about making an excuse to get out of going to the ball to my mother and here I am with a date. Not just any date but the future Alpha of the Blue Moon pack. What have I done?

I noticed Chance stealing glances at me while he talked to Seth. I wonder if he also felt the sparks this morning between us and that was why he asked me to the ball. Maybe it was the mate bond I was feeling for him. Maybe because I’m a white wolf, things are a little different. There was so many questions running through my mind and none that I had the answers for.

The warning bell rang letting us know lunch was over. Chance stood up before me and grabbed his and my lunch trays. “I can get that.” I protested to him, but he smiled and shook his head. “I wouldn’t be a gentleman if I didn’t take your tray.” He said as he took our trays.

As I got up from the table I looked around and noticed that all the girls were staring at him. As he walked back over to me after ridden himself of our trays, I started to get glares from some of the girls. Chance was the highest rank at our school since Hunter had left and every girl was goggling over him. “Can I walk you to class?” he asked as I looked away from the glaring eyes and back at him.

“I don’t know if that’s a good idea.” I said as I looked around at all the girls staring at us.

Chance’s eyes followed in the direction of where I was looking. “Because of them?” he questioned with a laugh. “They’re just a bunch of power hungry she wolves but you you’re not like them. You’re different from any she wolfs I ever met before. There’s something different about you and my wolf likes you.”

“Your wolf likes me?” I questioned him.

“Yeah, I don’t know how to explain it. My wolf keeps going crazy inside my head when I’m around you. It started as soon as I pulled you back on the sidewalk this morning. It almost felt like you shocked me when I touched you. I don’t know what it was, but I do know that I’d like to get to know you better.” Chance said as he ran his hand through his hair.

So, he did feel something too this morning it wasn’t just me. I didn’t know what to say to that. Honestly, I wanted to get to know him better too, but I had to be careful. I didn’t know much about Chance other then who he was. Yes, he was amazing looking and if yesterday would have turned out differently I wouldn’t even be second guessing getting to know him. On the other hand, I had prayed to the Moon Goddess for a mate and maybe he was my answers to my prayers. What would it hurt to get to know him?

Chance stood in front of me waiting for an answer. I finally decided I would give him a chance. “I’d like to get to know you too.” I said and then the second bell rang making me realize I was late for class. “I got to go.” I said as I ran off. I could hear Chance yelling, “Can I get your number?” but I ignored him and kept running towards my class.
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goodnovel comment avatar
Loving it .

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