
Chapter 12

I wiped the tears that dripped from my eyes as I turned to look at the lights outside the Moonlight. I am now on the rooftop of the tallest Moonlight Building, this is not the Steler building because I know it is forbidden to enter there. Earlier Red was taken to the Moon jail they call, I don't know where that is. I wanted to go to Red and apologize but I didn’t know the way to Moon jail.

That's why I decided to just go here on the rooftop and let out a sigh of relief, my eyes are already sore because I've been crying for a while. I didn't want to feel bad about what they said and when they belittled me but I couldn't, it was as if the words they were uttering ate me up.

"Moon." I stopped wiping my tears when I heard that familiar voice, I slowly looked behind me but no one was there, later I felt the touch of my shoulder twice and I turned to look at him. I think I will cry even more when I see Zero looking at me sadly. I had been looking for him before because I knew he already knew where the way to Moon jail was. I needed him before but only now he showed up again after he hugged me earlier in the Garden and accompanied me to the facility.

"Zero ..." I called, he smiled sadly and sat down next to me.

"What are you doing here?" We once asked each other something we laughed at.

"I have something to say."

"I've been looking for you for a while." We looked at each other as we spoke again.

"All right you first." I said and parted my hair.

"Why are you looking for me?" He asked as he turned to look at the lights outside the MoonLight. I also looked there and took a deep breath.

"I would asked you to take me to Moon Jail." I said.

"Students are not allowed to enter, especially if you have not been sentenced to imprisonment in Moon jail." He said so I looked at him, his voice was so serious. This is the first time he hasn't joked with me so I'm nervous.

"Are you okay?" I asked so he looked at me. He took a deep breath then faced me again.

"Moon." He said seriously then held my hand. "Is it normal for me to be happy while I'm with you?" I frowned at what he said.

"Sure, you're always joking and always--"

"Moon, I want you." I stopped at what he said and suddenly my heart beat faster. "I want to love you, I don't know how but since I saw you then I want to hug you." He said, I seem to pipe in what he said. I don’t know what to say, whether I’ll be happy or what.

"Do you like me too?" He asked so I swallowed and looked into his eyes.

"Z-Zero ..."

"Yes or No, Moon." He said so I piped even more.

"I do not know." I said and looked into his eyes. I don’t know if I see sadness or joy in his eyes.

"Good then." He said and slowly let go of my hand so I really don't think so.

"Huh?" I asked and I think back to him.

"It's good that you don't know what you feel for me, so that I'm safe to stay away from you." I was stunned by what he said. Stay away?

"What's going away? You're going away from me? W-why?" I ask. He smiled sadly then looked away.

"Because I don't want to hurt you." He answered and bowed. "Because I don't want to see you cry." He added and looked at me. "I don't want to be the reason you're crying." He said something that made me frown.

"Zero, I won't be hurt, eh, why do you have to stay away?" I asked while looking at him. "You're my only ally then you'll leave me." I said and couldn't stop crying, He shook his head and immediately wiped away my tears.

"You don't understand Moon."

"Explain to me why you have to stay away? What would hurt me and cry? Zero I can't understand you." He immediately hugged me so I was very close and hugged him.

"This isn't the right time to tell you Moon, I don't want to add to the sadness you feel right now." He says.

"But you're adding Zero." I said and let go of the hug. I looked at him. "Why Zero? Why are you going away from me." I said. He just smiled at me and then gently kissed my hand.

"I don't want you to get hurt in the end, so I'll stay away from you because I know I'll be your weakness." He sat and smiled.

"Zero ...." He suddenly disappeared from my sight and I was left alone sitting here while looking at the one he was sitting on. I could feel my tears falling one after another while still not looking in the other direction. He was my only ally but he also left me.

"AHHHHHHHHHH!" I shouted and bowed. Why did my only ally leave me.

"Moon?" I turned to the caller and saw Shadow.

"Shadow ... "I called trembling, he immediately ran towards me, I immediately hugged him and cried while locked in his arms.

"Moon on your back!" I looked behind me and immediately shot Shadow's face at me, the arrow immediately hit the head of Shadow's face so my eyes returned to the front and immediately bowed the arrow when he suddenly jumped from behind me and killed Rain looks. I smiled as I lowered my bow as we slowly moved around until we saw Admiral and Admin smiling while holding the remote of the simulator.

"Nice one guys." Admiral greeted and applauded.

"I'm happy to tell you that we were impressed by you." It says. We smiled.

"You already know how to use your weapons." Admin said smiling.

"Tomorrow you will do another training and I hope you will teach Red the trainings she missed." Said the Admiral. Ice raised her hand.

"Will Red be able to get out of Moon Jail?" Ice asked so we look at Admiral. The two nodded at the same time so I could look at my companions.

"We need to prepare for Red's return." I said so they looked at me.

"Will you cook us pancit again?" They asked at the same time.

"Do you want to?" I asked, they nodded at the same time so I laughed.

"In that case, you can come down to do what you want." Admiral said, Star took the lead in walking.

"Do we have to show off the living room to make Red happy?" He asked as he walked.

"I'll take care of the decorations." Said Ice.

"Why do we have to prepare, it's just Red?" Cloud asked.

"What are you, Red loves surprises. I even remember the first time her ex surprised her." Rain's story.

"Is there an ex?" Cloud asked.

"Yes, but her Ex is no longer in Moonlight." Shadow said.

"Maybe that red one hasn't been able to move on yet, so she's always hot -headed?" Cloud asked.

"Do you want somethin from Red?" Star asked so Cloud stopped walking and we looked at him.

"Aren't you disgusted?" Cloud asked.

"Guys I have a chika, did you know that last night I passed by Cloud's room. It was just yesterday and then I heard him say Red's name." I laughed when Cloud suddenly chased Star. A week ago now since Red was sentenced to be imprisoned in Moon Jail. It's been a week since Zero left me, since then I haven't seen him and it's painful for me because he's my only ally but he left me. For a week we trained how to use our weapons and it was fun because now we are know how to use our weapons, except for Red who is locked up in the Moon jail. Shadow, on the other hand, always talks to me and teases me so I'm a bit used to not having Zero.

"Oh I remember." Ice said and got out of the elevator first. "The next day, Moonlight's anniversary." Ice said so I really look at her.

"Oh yeah! I lost my mind, are you going to wear anything?" Rain asked.

"I am, I'm sure there is Red but Moon and Cloud." They looked at me, while Cloud stopped chasing Star when he heard his name.

"Why? What's up?" I asked, Rain was slapped on the forehead.

"Every Moonlight Anniversary, there's a big celebration going on and tomorrow I'm sure Mr and Mrs Steler will go home." Shadow said and sat down on the sofa.

"And you need a Gown Moon, there's a royal dance that takes place every 12 in the morning." Said Ice.

"I just don't think I'm going to--"

"Stop, Moon, you'll come. I still have a gown there so you'll come." Said Rain.

"I think the anniversary will also celebrate the birthday of their son Mr. and Mrs. Steler." I looked at Shadow when he said that. He was able to look at me so I immediately avoided looking. Zero is there, meaning I'll see him there.

"I also think it's stressful because what happened in the game then so I'm sure Mrs. and Mr. Steler will go home now." Rain replied.

"I'll just change my clothes, then I'll cook." I said, they nodded.

"Do you think Fly will come too?" I heard Ice ask.

"Maybe? It's probably Zero's birthday." I never heard another conversation between them when the elevator door closed.

Who is Fly? And what is its connection to Zero?

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