
Sacrifices Part 26


He knew Axx might be nervous in fact he prays to the Goddess of fate to be listening... He did not want his family to screw up the absolute best thing to have ever bumped into him. Their relationship was new and the grounds it stood progressed into something mind braving.

She trusts him. Which means his beautiful fated must feel the same way he feels. Yesterday in the throes of passion, he remembers so clearly how his fated bit him (like a love bite). A claim from her is at best marking her territory not to even mention the scratch marks that raked down my back... Of course her bite is not as life changing as his would. His relationship with his fated is getting to the point he wish it to reach and he just hopes his family does not screw that up for him but the fact his fated is still here confirms everything he feels about him.

His leaving Axx side due to his father pure manipulation. How dare his father manipulate his beautiful, sweet, gullible fated mate? Maybe it is because he knows there is no changing his mind especially when a decision has been made. So the highly wise alpha targeted Alex with a sappy old sob story that revolved around his age and modernization. He even added details that would surely make his fated feel bad if he did not go. His whole scene was marvelous the old man still has his wicked mojo. His father is Intelligent enough that his story had piece and bits of accuracy attached to a complete lie to support his clear insanity. But for some reason his fated bought that mediocre performance at best.

His father the great white shark in the business industry, although he soon wishes to step down in a few years which will means he will have to take over. Noah is going to be the future owner of the Zheng Industries and the Duecalion alpha of the Blue- Moon pack.

Noah started to conduct research on an idea he started on his own at his own time. In fact his idea involve distributing their services beyond China, Africa as well as other countries they trade with. At first he wanted to run away from the binding responsibilities these roles given to him with their own pressures. He did not believe this position was suitable for him, he guess running made him stumble upon his fated. Honestly Alex was unexpected, having her sepal body close made him realize a lot. It made him realize as long as his fated is by his side he can do anything to support, protect and spoil his beautiful lover.

Axx does not have to be involved? Noah second guess his relationship or motive between his parents. He knew something is up but still his father hustled his fated mates good nature. Although Axx assured him to follow his father and without dwelling deep in thought of contemplation he got up. The moment they turned the corner his dad broke the silence.

"Do you know how impossible it is to convince you to do something?"

Noah was worrying about something more important than the walk to the office. Noah kept hoping his mom does not mention the fact she left her job to be closer to dad, for the sake of their bound. She still has patients, their employees who required her team of mental and physical professionals. It was a standard requirement their mental health is tested because they require efficiency and productivity in the workplace.

Alex has a whole spread sheet of how she planned her life would be like and it's still unclear if his in that list now, point is... She might hate the fact his mother gave up her calling to be a famous therapist with countless opportunities to travel the world for her mate...

Shit, she stole his heart. Although there is still a part that is protected by uncertainty between them. Even though their night before was magical, he still is not getting a feel out of her emotions. He just feels like his fated mate is keeping something from him but he does not want to pressure his mate to open up to him, she will talk when shes ready.

[Why the hell are your thoughts jumping all over the place? Stop. You giving me whiplash here.]

His wolf groans his displeasure, perhaps he is jumping from one thing to another very fast. Oh shit. Did his dad say something? Why is he looking at him expectant? Play it cool Noah, you a Zheng.

"What are you talking about now, dad?"

He will just have to talk to Alex when they get back to his bedroom.

"We could never get you to do something once your mind was made up."


"Your relationship with that young woman is fascinating. Is she beta or omega? It would make much more sense if she's woman and omega."

"Dad (he growls)."

"Hey. I am progressive or so I like to think I am. We are shifters but if she's woman we hope she's omega besides based on her everything she does not look like you previous girlfriends. I mean there are many omegas with their tails in the air desperate to carry your cub but her scent does not indicate she can do that for you. Would you not want to check the field before commit-?"

"Finish that sentence and I will take my fated and I will leave at once."

Noah growled almost challenging his father for his flesh and blood.

"Relax son. Again I am just asking. You will be the alpha and owner of the Zheng Empire. Think about the future of the mission."

"As far as I'm concerned I am not obligated to compare my past with my choices right now. She is perfect the way she is an that is the last time I justify that, sure I don't know her nature but what I know is that shes mine. And as for the field, burn it. She. Is. Mine."

His wolf joined him in his conviction, both ready to defend their fated mate.

"What about children. We want an heir."

"Father. That is not important right now. Besides Logan is marrying a human woman who will birth the heir and future head of this company. I am serious dad, if having no children is the price I have to pay for having Axx in my life then so be it. Father I beg you understand fates mark, understand my wolf only yearns for her with no question."

His father nods and slaps his back.                           

"The first person you bring home, is the one. Huh. I did not expect it. Despite what you must be thinking, I am happy for you son. Finally you trust someone other than that timid omega your mom was so certain you dating."

His father changed the topic and he was grateful with his efforts to hold himself back.

"The fuck. You mean Toby? No. We grew up together. In fact we brothers. If not by blood, then by choice. Although if it was not for him and his fated mate. Alex and I would have never crossed paths, we literally live different lives."

'Her story had a rough beginning but now that I found her, I am not letting go and I will make sure she never goes through or feeling the way she did in the past. My life was meaningless in a way, now that I found love anything is possible. That woman is my fine wine, my new addiction even if she does not know it yet.'

That is what he meant to say but could not voice because his an alpha talking to his duecalion. Surely his father gets his feelings but as alphas they have to focus on more than just the family which does include their pack but also ensuring their safety and sustainability as one of the most secure packs.

"Speak about bothers. Your brother's wedding is coming up… Your sister called and she's not sure if she will make it."

"Yeah. We got them a blender I think. At last there is a woman in this world that sees my precious brother as a gift (his mocking). Zee's husband is a human who is not comfortable with our world, so I am not surprised if she's unable to come but it still sad she keeps choosing her husband over her child again."

"Ora is better off without her but enough of her I have concerns regarding your brother... His wasting his potential. Betas are capable getting level with some alphas but because of his blood he is able to surpass most alphas, he should get his head in the game. Soon he will have a family he will have to take care of."

"Father Teaching makes him happy, not just because his a beta but because he has a social gift."

"I know and I do not want to discourage his path in being a middle school teacher. But you can offer him a place in the company."

"Father. Unlike me. His social, loves teaching, loves those kids as his own. He wants to make a difference, educate a better world. The best I can do is ask he assists when there are presentations we need to be done."

"That is better than nothing. You know I just want the best for all my children regardless of how it sounds."

"We know that is the reason Logan did not just elope, Zee still keeps contact and I keep what is most important to me hidden."


2 hours later

"Everything is now in order as soon as there is a drop in the economy. Soon these selected places here, we can penetrate this market and grow our profits."

"I will retire soon… So that will be your project, son."

"Dad you still have a good fifty years ahead."

"Haha. Fifty years instead of retiring is a stretch, I think it is time to enjoy the fruits of my labor."

"True. But father you know every time you leave I will cover you."

"No son. In four years I will step down as my only heir Alpha, I trust you with the pack and businesses."

"Then once it is mine we will trade worldwide and online. We will offer what our competitors don't worldwide start up."

"Again son that is your project. I do wish you fruits for your research and wisdom to implement your ideas. I hear Jaydon and his human friend are doing well with their prototype development, if he is interested and you open to the idea... I think he will be great asset to your ideas especially since his machinery and prospects have great potential in terms of growth and pack prosperity."

"I want Jay and Leam to reach a point where they are secure with their current project that they have been working their butt off first. You've given me four years to enjoy my youth, their current project might take five to eight years max to be perfect so I have time."

"Fine. Just know that when I was your age I never got a chance to be so frivolous in my choice and laziness but I am proud of the man you are becoming. I am proud of you son."

"Thank you dad."

His father clasped his hand and by the hand shake alone he felt the amount of respect and pride in his fathers stature. With business out of the way they walked in the living room to find it empty.

"Where did they go?" -Xing

"Mam Mia. Did you see my mother?"

"No Mr Zheng."

Calling his wife he got her to answer before Alex picked up her phone. She was laughing at something mom must have said.

"Noah, we coming there we just cleaning up. I will drop the call now."

"Son they are fine. Your mother said they were painting downstairs. Common you look so senseless right now, this is the only wine we have left."

Drinking the bitter taste of the red liquid easing his tension. When showed his fated up her face and clothes with smudges of dried paint. She looks so adorable that he decided to take a picture of her inconspicuously.

"Everyone let us go get some rest. Tomorrow Logan and his future bride is coming." -Noah

"Xing how dare you rush me? I was enjoying our daughter-in-laws company."

Dad was getting his ear chewed off and his Axx faced him suddenly awkward. Hugging him close they went to his bedroom.

"Why were you worried? Your mother is delightful, I do not get why she retired though. I mean she is passionate and a pro at putting people at ease. Shes driven, smart and extremely insightful... I wonder why she gave up a clear road to success and building a name for herself."

She expressed it so casually and his explanation died in his throat, it's easier to let ignorance truly be blissful. Pinning his woman against the cold wall partly to avoid answering her observation.

"Not today we need to get the... Uh… Uhm… Mm... Ehm… Noah- Stop. Just because the blood was a false alarm it does not change the fact we need bigger. Condoms."

She found a way to escape from his very temping grasp. Thankfully the whole blood situation was nothing serious nor was it her period. Their night together and the aftermath was her body getting accustom to having sex again. But that does not explain why she wants to use condoms now.

"Why? We already had sex without condoms yesterday."

His kinda hurt and confused as to why Alex would rather have rubber separating them than the magical feeling of yesterday.

"Yes. But yesterday we did not have a choice we were both horny. Noah. We can't please."

Noah let go of his touch on her tempting body and took a step back, with a calm expression grabbed his toiletries.

"I will go take a shower."

He did take a shower but not before reliving his frustration down the drain.



He got out the bathroom with brim determination.

"Wait here I will be right back."

He walked out. He would never be mad at his little fae. They were both keeping secrets from the other, Noah has no idea how to tell his mate of the sacrifices she would have to make to be an alphas wife so he decided to leave the task to future him. As for him being rejected was perhaps his mother said something or perhaps his family must be too much for her. If you put age in the equation, his fated is older than him by no more than three years but Noah can't shake the fact his fated will forever be his little wolf.

Before Noah left the house his horny mind thought of asking his father but then he figured that would be an awkward conversation to have with his dad, so. He threw on random shoes and left the house and drove to the nearest store. The cashiers drawled and averted their gaze because of his powerful energy he must be exuding because of his tension. Noah was not just an alpha he was their prince in a sense her in Blue.

He grabbed two tubs of ice- cream for his fated then dropped two boxes of condoms on the counter. One of the ladies behind the desk squealed because last they saw the duecalion he was far from ready to settle down. It did not help they were eye balling the characters marked on the side of the box in interest.

"Hey. Noah it has been a while."

Yeah and it has been over. What is the point? (Do not judge him, he is in a hurry.)

"Emma right?"

"No. It is Emmy."

"Oops. Okay. Sorry for that but he really must leave."

"Mmmn. Okay. Nice to meet you again. Bye."

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