
Vision (1)

“I could report to your father, King Cassius, such disobedience, Your Highness,” Clara repeated begrudgingly the same words Madam Fern threatened her with when she refused to leave the library sooner than she wanted.

Willow had gone to Groven House as soon as Clara stepped out of the library’s Restricted Section. And as she stood outside, looking past the three-headed gargoyle longingly, Madam Fern had emerged from a row of bookshelves, searching for her.

One of the hardest parts was to suppress the nagging curiosity which could only be pacified when provided an answer it needed. And Clara could only do so much to restrain her feet from retracing their steps back to the library.

More than an hour ago, she went off to find an answer. Yet a single answer led to more questions which soon would become uncertainties.

Clara stomped her way towards the lake—the one which she fell on the very first day—where the small wooden bridge that led to the Royal Residence was. She faltered in her ste
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