

Anna felt her resolve melting at his proximity, his confident faze and the flickering of his eyes to her lower lip all has her feeling like she was standing in a pool of fire. All it takes is his breath against her neck to have her feeling wetness pooling between her legs.

"Luke..." She says breathlessly, leaning against him.

"Yes, Anna?" He exhales, leaning closer.

Something about the at he says her name has her body feeling restless with need. She doesn't know what is breaking her resolve, if it is the beauty and charm of his dark eyes and angelic features combined or the scent and dominating aura of his cologne.

She can't tell, but what she knows is she wants Luke to take her home with him tonight. To run his hands down her body and lift grr off the floor so she can wrap her legs around his rigid body. Anna isn't thinking anymore. She leans in closer and so does he, and just got when she thinks he would take her lips in his, he leans down to her ear, whispering.

"You look temptin
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