
15 - Heed My Warning

The smell of alcohol lingering on her shirt made her want to puke. Plus, her stomach  churned probably on hunger strike. As she rose from bed, her head felt splitting into two. So early in the morning and here she was, a bloody mess!

"UGH, talking about a bad start!" she grumbled.

"How bad exactly?" a male voice interjected coming from behind her ear.

Due to the fright, she leaped out of bed with her butt landing hard on the carpet. She winced in pain and gave dagger looks to the culprit. To her utter dismay, it was no other than the mystical Fae, Gallus, who seemed stuck at a rebel phase of puberty. He changed his blue hair to the color of seaweed which did not compliment his OOTD featuring suspenders and baggy pants. 

What a weirdo!

"Ever heard of etiquette? Don't show up unannounced again!"

He nodded thrice but his eyes roamed around the room as if surveying the place. It angered her to see him inattentive!

"You're quite having the best time of your life. Hope you aren't forgetting our pact. Perhaps, you're resolute to fail so you’re enjoying your best days?"

She scoffed. It is a difficult task, she thought; deciding not to speak out loud because that was already obvious.

"What if he's as far as 1,000 miles away from me or I still haven't met him at all? Do I hold the hand of a thousand strangers?"

"Quick advice, the one you seek isn't so far nor so near. Well, bye-bye. Sweetheart, tick-tock!"

"He---" she trailed off because Gallus vanished before she could reach his arm.

Dissipated in thin air might be the right term.

Several questions have been bugging her since the whole absurdity began. First, the red string of fate still sounds fictitious. She cannot help but think if she was chasing something nonexistent. Another thing was how much of a bother bringing the ancient nemesis of fates everywhere. Truth be told, the rusty scissor failed to live up to its name. Most importantly, the prick was gone without giving her any means to contact him.

In order to devise her next plans, she risked taking a bubble bath.

Now that she has time to reflect, she wondered why she recalled nothing from last night after she drank the seven shots of retribution. These faint memories are all she could remember: wobbly, zigzag walking, sight of surroundings dancing in waves and the feeling of the ground quaking.

Flashes of events unfolded in her mind.

Under the table, she huddled herself on the tight space while hugging her knees. She sniveled three consecutive times then stopped for a deep exhale in a repetitive pattern. She kept her head down and only looked up when the tablecloth was lifted by Lark. He crouched to see her at eye level. 

"Let me guide you, Lad--- I mean, Care."

He extended his hand to urge her to come out. She growled and whisked his hand away. In her eyes, the surroundings danced in waves thus she rather be stuck in that area.

"Don't wanna!" she objected in slurred speech.

Care immediately got up from her laid back position in the tub. Dread was written on her face.

"What did I do last night?!" she shrieked, horrified.

Unable to de-stress in the tub anymore, she hastily put on her burgundy halter neck dress. She barely ate breakfast before she left for school. Hungover made her head spin harder and harder. The humiliating possibilities racking her brain was also an added factor.

Her phone buzzed inside her pocket causing her body to jolt as though electrified. Curiosity got to her before fear kicked in.


U skippin today? If not, don't meet me. BTW, I handed a hangover drink to Teddy for ya!

With too many issues clouding her head, she forgot to reply.

Upon trotting on the university pathwalk, she pulled up smiles for people who greeted her along the way. However, the stares and small talks they gave aggravated her current mental state.

I need air, she thought.

Lunch break came. She sneaked out from the room the second their professor dismissed them. She scanned the campus map guide then found the perfect hiding spot. She was heading there when she bumped into Lark on the hallway. The thick hard-bound books he carried slipped by his hands. It thudded upon falling on the floor.

"Sorry, sorry, sorry! I can.. I'm okay!" The shy boy rambled.

His internal fret evidently showed through his rattled movements as he picked up his stuff. Care’s worries disappeared bit by bit by observing him. He stood up with his gaze lowered, avoiding her keen eyes.

I cannot believe his discomposure reassures me,  she realized.

"Are you still traumatized with me holding your hand without consent on our date? Sorry!"

He shook his head aggressively.

"No, it's not! I mean -- I'm not!"

"Great, let's go! I'll treat you to lunch as a sort of apology."

Lark finds himself following Care to the cafeteria. He wondered what thoughts the lady had about last night because if he was asked, he could not even sleep a wink after what happened. His younger sister, Mandy, says that was a result of overthinking which he regretfully admits.

Aware of the gazes of students directed at them, he felt nauseous. Being the center of attention always terrified him. Though, ironic to hear because he came from a family of politicians.


He believed attention breeds judgment then judgment birth malice, envy, and dishonesty.

"The Camaraderie was fun!"

He nearly dropped his spoon at her simple remark. 

"I didn’t particularly behave indecently at the... you know?"

His face flushed like a hot tomato.

“Did I?!"

She doesn't remember, he speculated. His internal fret slowly died down.

"Tell me what I did! We're together, right? I may have done something? My memories are quite  vague given that I was totally bombed last night. Doesn't matter! Just gimme a recap about what happened."

"You rested on the sofa after the drink-punishment. I approached you out of concern and so was Adler. He pestered you to join the sock hop."

"Right, I told him my ankle hurts!"

"Yea, but the thing is, they didn't care. They wanted you and you..."

"And I what?" She pressed, leaning her head close to his in the process.

He paused, tongue-tied. Never in his wildest dreams did he imagine he would be this close to her. He noticed it all: the sweat trickling on her forehead, the dark spots under her eyes and the bareness of her face from makeup.

"How can somebody look very human and angelic all at once?" he wondered.

"You fled. None of us caught you in the act so I searched around for you. I seemed weird, didn't I?"

"Surely you had the strangest hints yourself for finding me under a table."

They laughed in unison.

"See, you aren't that unsociable. You talk just fine when you relax. It's nice sharing lunch with you. See ya around, Lark!"


"About you holding my hand, we're  already even... so bye-bye!"

He sprinted before the lady asked anything more. When he halted outside the cafeteria, his thumb instinctively moved to caress his lips.

Back to last night. 

Disco lights illuminate every corner it hits. Sensual IDM music blasted from the lounge. People chattering, couples making out...  He remembered vividly.

As a matter-of-fact, he dreamed of it...

It took less than a minute for him to lose track of Care who was earlier lazing on the sofa. Yes, he maybe dense yet not dumb enough to be uncertain of her drunkenness. Boys are head over heels to her whether seniors or juniors even Adler became extra touchy awhile ago. If not for his interference, what would have happened?

Dreading the worst, he left the festivities. He never enjoyed it if not for Care participating, anyway. His heart pounded and pounded as if he starred in a thriller movie. Each room he opened awaits either surprise or scandal. For concrete example, he found Marigold and a varsity jock exploring, SPECIFICALLY exploring each other's body.

Filled with embarrassment, he nearly surrendered but destiny finally bestowed it's blessing When he slumped on the floor out of exhaustion of aimless search, he heard a faint whimper almost inaudible if he happened to be standing. He froze, determining the owner of the feminine voice. Immense energy surged through his veins and he lifted the mantel by impulse.

His heart brimmed with relief and joy upon confirming it was Care. The moment she raised her head up, he held his breath. Beautiful as always, he complimented.

"Let me bring you, Lady--- I mean, Care." he mumbled, unknowingly extending his arm.

She grumbled and whisked his hand.

"Don't wanna!" she objected in slurred speech.

Gosh, it sounded cute!

He tried hard to suppress his smile in order to deal with her seriously.

"Come, you can trust me."

"Ugly things must stay in the dark, I can't leave here. People will scorn me!"

His brows furrowed.  In a span of few minutes, he discovered so much already about Caress Aragon yet this one baffles him the most. Everybody does harbor insecurities nonetheless being ugly was the least thing he would guess from her. I'm probably interpreting too literally here, he doubted himself. 

"Nope, because I'd be there and this house is my turf. Beautiful or not has the right to exist so don't hide, milady. Especially you, confidence suits you best."

The way her eyes twinkled; a part of his chest twinge in a really good way. She reached for his hand, his heart skipped a beat. He just melted when she smiled. At that moment, he was certain. She was his first love.


For those who didn't know, OOTD means Outfit of the day. There will be a bit of delay of updates this week so please do bear with me. Lovelots!

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