
I will never forget

Clarion complexion turned purple in fury. How dare Tarvan describe her as a barren woman? How dare he say such words to her?

"Are you feeling upset that I said that? I worked hard, but you couldn't conceive. It wasn't my fault that we couldn't have more children, it was yours. You are suddenly infertile.

Now you tell me that my granddaughter should be an heir simply because she is Pamela. If she was the daughter of my son, I would Consider it. But she was born by a daughter.

I have concubines now and I am working hard to get them pregnant and get an heir from them. So just enjoy the position of a queen while it lasts. Do you understand me, Clarion?" Tarvan bellowed.

Clarion just glared at her husband. She couldn't believe a time would come when Tarvan would say such words to her. But the day finally came.

"You said I am Barren?" Clarion asked, the word 'barren' kept resounding in her head as if she's never heard it being used for a woman.

"Yes. You are
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