
Chapter 5

Chapter 5

It's been a week after Alex and Carol's wedding, and Olivia still hasn't met Alex, she still lives in the penthouse but the CEO never comes to visit her again, she believes it's because Alex is busy taking care of her wedding and she also has to be in Los Angeles a week before her wedding.

But that means Olivia has been feeling lonely for more than a month, she also can't go to the hospital to see her mother because the paparazzi still like to follow her, for the past week Olivia has been feeling unwell, she often wakes up at night because of nausea and her head often feels dizzy.

Sometimes, Alex calls her but only briefly to ask how Olivia is doing and then leaves, making Olivia feel neglected. Even though she knew her position was no longer important to Alex. Now that he is officially married, he has become a husband and maybe Olivia's presence is no longer needed.

That night, Olivia woke up again from her sleep and rushed to the bathroom because of the nausea she felt. Sweat drenched her body because she didn't feel well. Olivia didn't intend to go to the hospital because she thought it was just because she was too stressed, but it seemed like there was something else.

When Olivia came out of the bathroom with a pale face, she was surprised to see Alex there, Alex immediately hugged the girl tightly.

“I missed you,” Alex said.

"What are you doing here?" Olivia said as Alex let go of her hug.

“I'm home, wait, what happened to you? Your face is very pale, are you okay?” Alex said and placed the back of his hand on Olivia's forehead.

"No, I'm fine," Olivia immediately looked away from Alex.

“Hey baby, what's wrong? I know I'm hard to reach but that's not because I don't miss you, I-"

Olivia immediately went back into the bathroom because her nausea had returned, making Alex confused.

“Olivia open the door! what happened? Are you sick?" Alex said.

"No, I'm fine," Olivia said.

“No, you don't look fine, open the door!!” Alex said and the door opened, Olivia appeared there.

“I'm okay, and why are you here? Your wife must be looking for you and—"

"No need to talk about it, let's go to the hospital," Alex said.

“No, don't you know? Since you married Carol, a lot of paparazzi have been following me and if they see us together, maybe your life will be ruined," Olivia said.

“Then what about me who came here? forget about the damn paparazzi, come on," Alex said.

"No, I don't want to, I just need to rest," Olivia said.

"Fine, I'll call the doctor so they can come here and check your condition," Alex said.

After waiting for almost 30 minutes, the sound of the bell was heard, Olivia who was lying on the bed could hear it because the door to her room was not closed, Alex and a doctor came into the room and Olivia immediately leaned against the headboard.

"Good evening Miss Olivia," The Doctor said as he approached Olivia in her bed.

"Good evening doc," Olivia said.

"How are you? You look pale, it looks like you're lacking a lot of fluids, I'll give you an IV, but can you tell me how you feel, Miss Olivia?” The doctor said.

"I just don't feel well, my body aches and I feel nauseous at night, my head often gets dizzy," Olivia said, Alex was beside her and continued to hold Olivia's hand.

“Have you had your period this month?” The doctor said.

"Oh, I don't think I've had my period yet, it looks like I'm late for my period this month," Olivia said.

"Miss Olivia, when was the last time you had sex?" The doctor said and Olivia was quite surprised by the question.

Olivia turned to Alex beside her before looking back at the doctor.

"I don't know, but I think it was a month ago," Olivia said.

"Okay, actually I know what's going on with you but so we can all see the results, can you do this?" The doctor gave Olivia a small bottle with a test pack.

“Wait, are you serious? I mean, there's no way I'm pregnant," Olivia said.

"Pregnant?" Alex said.

"The symptoms that appear on you point to pregnancy, but to be more certain you have to check them, after that I will give you an IV so that your body doesn't lack fluids," the doctor said.


"Olivia, it's okay, go and do it," Alex said and Olivia took a small bottle and test pack before going into the bathroom.

After 15 minutes Olivia came out with a test pack in her hand, she gave the test pack to the doctor and Alex was still waiting there.

"Come here," Alex said and Olivia sat down next to him.

"As I thought, the results are positive, congratulations Miss Olivia, you are pregnant, you should go to the hospital to find out the details of your pregnancy," the doctor said.

“W-What?” Olivia said she was very shocked to learn the news, the news of her pregnancy, news she didn't want to hear. news that she thought was impossible for her to hear.

“Oh, are you serious? My girlfriend is pregnant?” Alex said, he had a different reaction, Olivia immediately turned to Alex when Alex suddenly hugged her.

“I'm going to be a father,” Alex said.

An hour passed, and the doctor immediately left as soon as the IV was removed, he left Olivia in her room and met Alex outside the room.

“Mr. Alex, congratulations on your girlfriend's pregnancy, but does your family know about this?” The doctor said.

"No, they don't need to know, thanks again, I will transfer the money to your account," Alex said and the doctor just smiled before leaving.

Alex rushed to meet Olivia in the room, he saw Olivia who looked shocked in her bed.

“Hey baby, what's wrong? Why are you not happy with this news? you're pregnant,” Alex said.

"What's wrong with you? Alex, I'm pregnant and the person who made me like this just married another girl, are you kidding me? Am I supposed to be happy about all these things?” Olivia said.

"What did you say? I will be responsible because it's my baby, I won't leave you and what are you worried about?” Alex said.

“You're crazy, Alex, I'm screwing up my own life,” Olivia said.

"No, Olivia, I told you that you are my girlfriend and always will be" Alex said.

“Stop with that nonsense! in just 2 years our contract ended and look what happened to me? I'm pregnant, in 2 years you will be responsible and what after that? what if your wife is pregnant and what—"

"Enough!" Alex said.

“No! I haven't finished talking yet!” Olivia said.

“I hate this! I hate my life! You never know what it's like to be me because you always do what you want without thinking about other people! this sucks!” Olivia said.

“What do you want now?” Alex said.

“Nothing! I just want this damn contract to end!” Olivia said.

“That's not going to happen,” Alex said.

"Why are you doing this to me!" Olivia hit Alex's chest but Alex immediately caught both of Olivia's hands.

"Why are you doing this?" Olivia said with tears on her cheeks.

"I have to do it, rest, I'll stay here tonight, don't think about anything, think about this baby, I'm here, I'm always here, don't think about my and Carol's wedding, don't," Alex said.

“You're crazy,” Olivia said.

“Yes, I am! call me if you need anything, and I'll make porridge for you," Alex said, he kissed Olivia's forehead before leaving the room.

To be continued…

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