
130 : Do not push your luck

Lucy's cheerful voice sounded over the phone and it actually put a little smile on his lips. Her bubbly personality reminded him so much of Olivia. It has only been few hours and yet, it feels like eternity without Olivia not around.

"Hi, Lucy. Are you busy right now, can you spare me few minutes of your time?".

"Nope! so to what do I owe the honor today?". Lucy asked.

"I was wondering. Do you have any idea where Olivia is?". Maynard asked awkwardly. He realized how ridiculous the question sounded. Like how would Lucy who is not in the country right now, know the whereabouts of Olivia. But they're sisters and she might have some idea.

"Why are you asking me? isn't she your wife?". Lucy asked amused by the sudden question.

"I... actually don't know where she is". Maynard replied scratching his head in embarrassment.

"What?! you are joking right?". Lucy asked incredulously.

"We had a little misunderstanding and she moved out of the house. Actually, it wasn't a misunderstanding tho, bu
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