
Chapter 64 — Game over


It was such a beautiful day and then suddenly the news came about Louise, I couldn't imagine that she could be so sick. I suspected that she was pregnant, but that was better than an illness.

"I can imagine how sad he must be about this. Why didn't he come back? Mauricio seemed so macho to me…"

"He doesn't need a gender to feel pain, even if it is in other people. I also thought that Mauricio would be a man who wouldn't fall in love with anyone, but I was also wrong and I am very happy that he loves Louise. So, he has every right to suffer for everything that has happened and is happening to her. And, he is drinking with Roberto."

"Hey, I'm not judging, just saying that I never thought that of him. He has the genius of his mother, who doesn't bend to anyone, you wouldn't think otherwise."

Jason was the guy who gave me his house, in fact, for me and my son when I got out of jail, I didn't even have a place to live and if I am well today, I owe it to him too. Many times he defended
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