
I Am Such A Fool

Jason's POV

I am such a fool!! I am such a fool!! Am I possessed? This is a possession right? Is it an hidden sickness? Why would I kiss that girl and like it? I don't like her, I can barely even tolerate her, I love Jade. Why do I love the feeling of her lips on mine though? Why can't I stop thinking about it?

I decided to take a shower to clear my head but if anything, it made my feelings worse. I can't seem to get her out of my head. Every time I close my eyes, I see her face and feel the softness of her lips on mine. It was just a kiss, but it was a kiss that I can't seem to forget.

I know I shouldn't be feeling this way. I love someone else, and have been planning to make things work between me and Rachel for a long time now.

But there's something about the way Violet looked at me, the way she smiled, that just made my heart race.

I remember what happened earlier this night perfectly. Am I a type of guy that will get turned on by a shirt? Was it her hair? Did she charmed me? Why
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