

. “Allah (God) is with those who have patience.” Quran 2:153

If you haven't prayed your Salah please pray this book can wait but your salah can't

Happy reading…

Sameera p.o.v

Getting up early I went to the kitchen to make Saad's favourite breakfast.

I glance at the clock from time to time. The moment I heard footsteps coming , I rolled the food covering it with aluminium and ran toward the door.

" Saad stop" he stopped looking at me confused.

" Won't you have breakfast?" He glanced at his wrist watch .

" No, I have a meeting today early, I have no time to have breakfast." He was about to go but I stopped him.

Wait, I run back to the kitchen.

Taking the roll I came only to see him waiting.

I smile feeling giddy all over my body .

" Take this to eat in the car" I give him the roll.

He glance at the ruled in at me" you don't have to do this " he look little hesitant

" Come on Saad , we are cousins, the least I could do is make breakfast for you " he looked a little awkward.

I decided to
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