
first day

Allah is with those who have patience.” -Quran 2:153

If you haven't prayed your Salah please pray this book can wait but your salah can't

Happy reading….

Meerab p.o.v

Once I was alone in the room I let the tears fall freely .

This is not what I imagined ….this is a nightmare .

How the hell her life ended up like this.

After calming myself down I look around the room . It felt so strange to be in this room .

This room is completely opposite of my choice , though it's elegantly decorated in black and grey colour giving an intimidating aura .

Somewhat suffocating me .

Today Humza and Angel Di will start their new life on the other hand….

The room felt like it was closing in around me. In my mind, I was growing larger and larger, expanding with rage. If I didn't do something, fast, to get myself under control, I'd explode and take out everyone and everything around me.

My thoughts got disrupted by Saad entrance .

The master bedroom door opens and loudly closes shut .


Does he really
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