
help me

Jade p.o v

I was sleeping when I felt someone stroking my hair... I lazily open my eyes only to see Tristan half body hovering over me. I immediately jerk up and push him aside. Luckily my hands are not tied down now . I breathed heavily as everything came back rushing in my memory . My eyes watered as Tristan got off the bed.

He walked over to my side and sat at the edge of the bed. He tried to stroke my cheeks but I immediately jerked back.

He sighed " Jade I know it's difficult for you but please try to understand I love you , I know that bastard did something on you but trust me I will make everything alright, I promise "

I laughed at him humourlessly " By kidnapping me , almost raping me , you think you will make everything alright " I hissed at him

" I always loved you , but you were too blind to see that I always thought about your happiness even when you chose Jennifer I respected your decision but YOU... what are you doing kidnapping me really !!...if you really love me then
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