
Chapter One Hundred And Forty

Adriana’s POV

I smiled forlornly as soon as I had successfully withdrawn the exact amount of money I needed to pay Caden off from Massimo’s banks but then I hesitated to send them off to Caden because somehow at the back of my mind, I couldn’t help but think that he would still come back to ask me for another sum.

Unfortunately, I had become his new money bag, the new way he had devised to make some money for now, and if I didn’t do anything about it now, he would continue to blackmail me until I am caught.

“I have to find a way out of this!” I snapped aloud to no one in particular.

Deep down in my heart, I wanted to tell Massimo about my predicament. I wanted him to know that these things were not my doing and make him see the reason I was in such a mess but I couldn’t reach him.

No matter how much I tried, or how many times I tried to call his numbers, it just wouldn’t go through. It was obvious that he was still very mad at me and there was nothing I could do about it.

Just as I pic
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