
Chapter 148

“You have no right to control me, but if you don’t want to watch over Lucky. It is fine, I know Alan will do a good job of taking care of her” she said to piss him off. Then she turned her back on him and left the office.

She smiled with happiness knowing that he was angry, maybe he won’t bother her for the time being. Immediately she returned to her office, the office telephone rang. She already knew who was calling so she just picked it up without bothering to look.

“Camila, don’t you dare take my child to Alan. I will take care of her myself” an icy voice talked on the other side of the phone. Camila chuckled silently, she knew that he would never allow Lucky to go somewhere else.

“Alright, but I am still going to the party and don’t you dare try to stop me” Camila warned him.

Samuel felt too much anger in him that he just hung up the call without talking. Camila was bent on driving him crazy with his stubbornness, she could never listen to what he was saying.

Her day was normal,
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