
Chapter 14: No Deal

“You lied,” Johnson said.

“I did,” Liam confirmed. I expected Liam to erupt like a volcano, but he surprised me. He was honest and calm. Johnson pressed his lips together. He took a moment to gather his thoughts. He was mad, I could tell. But he was a professional business man so he would remain tactful.

“I regret to hear that, Mr. Stonewood,” Jonhson finally said. “It appears that we have been brought here on a ruse. Trista is my employee, but she is also a very dear friend of mine. You are doing her a disservice by not taking her talents seriously.”

Liam scowled at Johnson. I flushed at the compliment. Johnson was clearly protecting me, and I adored him for it. “Trista has many opportunities,” Johnson continued. “Her designs are top notch. She’s worthy of her own independent line. However…” he paused and fixed his eyes on Liam, “if you CANNOT keep this meeting professional, then I will abort this negotiation without hesitation.”

Whoa. Johnson meant business now. That was a warning.
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