
Chapter 30: Rumors

Trista’s POV

At that exact moment, my phone rang. I looked at the caller ID.

‘Speak of the devil,’ I muttered under my breath.

It was Johnson.

I had barely answered though when the twins swarmed me.

“Is it Johnson? Is it?” They asked, hopping from foot to foot with excitement. I nodded and went to say hello, but Billy snatched the phone out of my hand!

“Johnson!” he said. “We boughted a hammock! A real one!’

Then Belle grabbed the phone from Billy. “It’s ME! Belle!” she squealed into the phone. “Can you hear me cuz we flew all the way across the ocean!”

Hazel raised her eyebrows. “Johnson, is it? Is that his name?”

“Oh yes, he’s a friend. And my boss, actually…”

“Well, judging by their excitement,” she pointed at the kids who were taking turns with the phone, “he sounds like a lot more than a friend.”

“It’s not like that,” I denied.

“Look at them!” Hazel
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