


Zaryn and I were spending a peaceful evening at our abode. The warm embrace of our cosy manor surrounded us, creating a comforting atmosphere as we happily sipped on our evening soup. The soft glow of the sunset bathed the room, casting a golden colour over everything and creating a peaceful environment that made us both happy.

As we sat there, enjoying the quiet moment, I couldn't shake the feeling that it was the perfect time to share some important news with Zaryn. A new development with Tasyra had occurred, and I knew that I needed to discuss it with her. So I gathered my thoughts and made up my mind for the conversation that I knew would not end without a chaotic moment in the middle.

Taking a deep breath, I met Zaryn's gaze “Zaryn,” I began, “There's something important that I need to tell you.”

“Zaryn, are you even listening?” I asked, hoping to capture her attention. Her response was a distracted “I'm listening,” but her eyes were elsewhere, barely focused on our conver
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