
7. A Word Of Warning


His words stung. Was he saying that although Mom and Dad said I was theirs, there had been rumours… Meaning there was something there…

I looked into the Alpha’s hard emotionless eyes, feeling very alone. Sure, he was our Alpha, his job was to take care of his pack, his city… and as King, his responsibilities were far more than that but if even for a second I thought I’d get any compassion from him, I was wrong.

“I understand, Alpha, and that brings me to my second question; is it true that another will take my place as future Beta?”

He leaned back on one hand, eating his sliced apple as he looked up at the sky.

“I need a Beta now, soon. I can’t wait for a wolf less pup to shift to take that position. I'm afraid, yes, I will be choosing another.” His eyes fell on me once more and I did my best to remain emotionless despite the pain in my chest.

I bowed my head trying to force a polite smile.

“I understand Alpha, will I be given at least some time to prove-”

“To prove wha
Moonlight Muse

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goodnovel comment avatar
yes, time to grow up girl! can't always depend on your parents you are your own person at the end of the day!
goodnovel comment avatar
Camilita Vargas
Sorry, author, but I'll skip chapters from now on. It's already ch 7, and the story didn't develop in a positive light. Your males are all violent jerks, and your FL might be physically strong, but she's psychologically weak, prideless and easy. Yes, she's EASY! I'm not sure if it's worth my time.
goodnovel comment avatar
Becky Moss
Loving your story. Can hardly wait for it to continue to unfold.

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